In the year 2090, Earth has suddenly become the target of deranged aliens. Following the invasion, a new cutting-edge weapon, the Raiden Supersonic Attack Fighter, based on the destroyed alien craft, is created for humanity's hope for survival.
The title of this game translates from Japanese as 'Thunder and Lightning'.
Raiden is the name of a Japanese WWI Fighter, the Mitsubishi J2M Raiden.
Licensed to Fabtek for US distribution, to Liang HWA Electronics for Taiwan distribution, to I.B.L. Corporation for Korea distribution and to Wah Yan Electronics for Hong Kong distribution.
Pony Canyon / Scitron released a limited-edition soundtrack album for this game (Raiden Densetsu - PCCB-00047) on 05/12/1990.
* Items list:
Red beacon: Gives the Vulcan firepower to the player who obtains it.
Blue beacon: Gives the Laser firepower to the player who obtains it.
M: Gives the Nuclear missile sub-weapon to the player who obtains it.
H: Gives the Homing missile sub-weapon to the player who obtains it.
1-UP: Gives the player who obtains it an extra life stock.
P: Maximizes the players current weapon sets to full power.
B: Increases bomb stock by one.
Medal: Gives a score of 300 points.
Miclus: Seibu Kaihatsu's dragon mascot appears in Raiden and it's series, giving a score of 3,000.
Fairy: A small humanoid creature that gives whoever obtains it 10,000 points.