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황금도끼2 골든액스2 Golden Axe - The Revenge of Death Adder (c) 1992 Sega.


Golden Axe - The Revenge of Death Adder (c) 1992 Sega.

Like it's legendary prequel, 1989's "Golden Axe"; 'Revenge' is sideways scrolling beat-em-up set in a traditional fantasy world, in which the evil 'Death Adder' has arisen to take over the lands. The game supports simultaneous four-player gameplay, with each player taking on one of the game's characters. The four available characters are 'Sternblade' (a barbarian warrior), 'Dora' (a female centaurian), 'Goah' (a giant with a dwarf sitting atop his shoulders) and 'Little Trix' (an agile, oriental-style warrior).

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